You're probably here because you've been told you have gum disease. But what you don't know is what to expect from gum disease treatment. Treatment for gum disease depends on the stage of gum disease.
Reasons why you may need gum treatment might be sore, bleeding or receding gums and loose teeth. Accumulation of plaque causes inflammation of the gums and an ensuing breakdown of the periodontal attachment (the fibrous connection of the teeth to the supporting structures). Pockets between the teeth and soft tissue become deeper and the underlying bone recedes. Increased pocket depth encourages the formation of more calculus, plaque and further tissue breakdown.
Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. It can usually be cleared up with a thorough dental cleaning which removes plaque and tartar build-up along the gum line and by practicing good oral hygiene at home.
Treatment of advanced gum disease such as periodontitis is a little more complicated. It requires scaling and root planning. A scaling and root planing treatment for gum disease involves the use of ultrasonic scalers as well as hand instruments. The scalers are used to remove large deposits of plaque and tartar, particularly near the crown and gum line, whereas the hand instruments are used to remove any remaining deposits plus smooth out the surface of the root.
This process may be performed by a dental hygienist, a dentist or a periodontist (gum specialist), and usually requires anaesthesia to prevent pain. Thorough periodontal scaling customarily involves several dental visits.