Dental Cleanings & Check-Ups

The key for a Lifetime of Dental Health!

The dental cleaning appointment is the most significant aspect of your preventive dentistry strategy. It is the most important and valuable visit you may ever make to the dentist.

The routine dental cleaning is anything but routine and includes:

  1. Personal oral hygiene evaluation, home care review and recommendations.
  2. Brushing teeth and flossing instructions.
  3. Supra gingival (above the gum) scaling to remove plaque and tartar from all visible tooth surfaces.
  4. Debridement of tartar beneath the gum, as conditions warrant.
  5. Topical fluoride treatment to the age of 13.
  6. Polishing the teeth.
  7. Nutrition assessment, if needed.
  8. Periodontal charting and scheduling of additional periodontal disease care as indicated.
  9. Bad breath check-up.

Dental Cleanings for Children

First dental visit by Age 3!

The dental hygiene visit is especially important for children. It helps them to establish good oral hygiene practices and to appreciate the importance of dental health. Easy, anxiety-free dental appointments help create self esteem and will lessen anxiety should dental restorative care become necessary in the future.

The regular application of topical fluoride, early detection of orthodontic (bite) problems, and an evaluation for pit and fissure sealants are part of our preventive dental health strategy for children.

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